My name is Cheri Hampton I was born and raised in San Diego, Ca. I have 3 kids and graduated Patrick Henry High school 1998 knowing I wanted to become a pre school teacher or pediatrician.
I first began doing for the community in 2004. I fixed a Thanksgiving meal in my kitchen at home and took my then 5 yr old daughter Alaysia and my brothers and a few friends downtown, set up a card table and began to go walk around telling the homeless they can come get a hot fresh cooked meal. I served each hot meal on a styrofoam plate wrapped in foil with utensils cooked with love. The plates would consist of chicken, greens, mac n cheese, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, a dinner roll, desert and a drink. Without warning a motorcycle club parked next to us and began to give out blankets. This was my first experience and I will never forget the feeling. Joy filled my heart to make so many people’s day and fill their stomachs. As was for all of us that gave and contributed to the occasion, we sat and talked about how great that was for at least an hour after everything was given away. What a blessing to be a blessing to others genuinely.
I continued this for the next 5 years by donating Christmas dinner ( not cooked) along with gifts for the families as well as Thanksgiving dinners (not cooked). My reasons is because anyone, including myself, can be at a place in their life where they need help to feed their self or their family. Being a single mom I know everyone needs help. Helping one person at a time can change a life or lives forever.
Fast forward to the pandemic in 2020 I couldn’t help but want to give back to MY OWN community in the mist of the struggle. Days before Thanksgiving I used social media as my platform and asked for donations of food, clothes, shoes, blankets to give to the less fortunate in my neighborhood. The outcome was unbelievable in only 3 days notice. We were able to feed, cloth and give them resources for their health to stay safe during the pandemic. We also provided information to families that were looking to thrive and do better for themselves and their families.
For Christmas we had an even bigger turnout of donations for families in need of hygiene and resources to staying healthy and safe during the pandemic. Hot meals, warm clothes and shoes as well as more resources such as information where to get shelter, how to find resources for their homes, utilities, food drives. We handed out masks, gloves and sanitizers to keep everyone in the holiday cheer. Keeping in mind the reason for this giving season during what most can consider most stressful time in life. We had a special guest appearance from “the Grinch” and took photos with the kids. He rode with us to keep our community safe and answer questions and concerns to be heard and answered. WE handed out gift bags which consist of gloves, sanitizers, hygiene tissues, socks, face towels and healthy snacks and water.
I want to be able to reach more communities that have no means of knowing how to get employment and guide them to finding the appropriate resources so they can succeed. As a community, WE must look out for each other and continue to build each other up even in our worst days. We have spoken with girls and women that have been trafficked and are looking for security so they may regain trust, build self esteem up as well as supply all resources they need to succeed and not have to depend on the government for help but to achieve the tools to help themselves in life.